In Summary

Record summaries can play an important role in the facilitation of clinical communication, but only with careful thought, which is often lacking, as illustrated by the sad tale of the English Summary Care Record (SCR) and the happier tale of the Scottish Emergency Care Summary. The first thing to understand about a “summary record” is…

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Medication Repository Anyone?

I was writing this piece when I read Ian McNicoll’s stimulating blog piece “EastendEHRs? – Dr Leggs’ Diary”   Ian talks about community medication records, very much the theme of this piece. It seems to me that a shared medication record is the single most useful thing that could be provided in any health community…

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Beyond the Hawking Horizon

The idea that a single shared electronic health record (SSEHR) operating over a wide geography serving many care settings and diverse professional groups is a good idea is one that has some currency in the NHS. However, evidence seems to be growing that this approach does not lead to more effective care and communication and…

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English GP Systems Market

I’ve been looking at some statistics on the GP market in England which may be of interest. Recent years have seen a considerable consolidation in the market and although there were never the number of suppliers that some of the literature suggests (The peak was probably about 40 suppliers who had sold at least one…

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Tonsillitis Pen V

What you might have seen in a GP record circa 1980, if you could have read the handwriting! Early GP computing was fighting the hardware. How could we get 6000 patient records on a  pair of 8 inch floppy disks (well under 1Mb)?  The terse style of GP records gave us a chance, particularly if…

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Dr Finlay’s Facebook?

The marvellous phrase comes from the Demos publication “the talking cure why conversation is the future of healthcare”  by Jack Stilgoe and Faizal Farook They use it to describe the changing relationship between internet enable patients and doctors. I have stolen it as shorthand for a new online environment that I think we need…

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