Archive for April 2013
Electronic Health Records
This blog is the first of a series of extracts from a long paper on Electronic Health Records that I have been maintaining and revising since 2008. It’s been shared on a limited basis and has benefit from review and input by a number of individuals, particularly fellow members of the BCS Primary Health Care Specailists Group…
Read MoreTime for Zero-Tolerance
I heard the blindingly obvious statement at the recent Intellect stream of BCS HC2013 Conference in Birmingham that “If you give people software that makes their life easier then adoption is not a problem” Given the clear truth of this statement, I wonder why so many “designing” and procuring NHS IT Systems manage to deliver…
Read MoreHealthcare and Banking
NHS leaders often make comparisons between the use of IT and digital service in banking and health. While we have much to learn from other sectors I feel this comparison means that those who make it don’t fully understand the challenge. What banking systems do is fundamentally very simple – They move money (unambiguously and simply represented by a…
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